What is art and more

What is art and more.

ART IS A GREAT SPACE for social preservation, a sphere where societarian reality is uprooted. The Greeks called this space asylon: refuge, haven. A haven is a sacred space. I believe art cannot be understood without considering the sacred place from which it originates. Art has broken through from within the sacred sphere. It has broken through in a double sense; both as a fountain from within a mountain and as a prisoner breaks free from prison. Attention must be given to both meanings equally, so as not to give way to the nostalgic misconception that art needs to return to religion in order to regain authenticity. The truth is directly opposite to this idea: when art is still bound to the definitive forms of religion, it is incapable of any articulation completely independent from its religious sources. Even the most radical protagonists in contemporary art are unable to achieve this goal. Furthermore, there will only be strength in this movement if it can also be understood as a weakness.

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